Pearl Snare Drums

imagePearl Maple Snare
This is probably the oldest snare drum that I own. By the badges and hardware, I would surmise late-60’s, so it is about as old as I am. 14″ x 4.5″, maple shell, 10 lugs. I love this drum. I have gigged with it since the 1980’s. Originally a yellow sparkle wrap, it has been black, grey and now white since I have owned it. The hardware is a mix of original and what I have had laying about. I contemplate restoring it back to original, but it sounds too good the way it is.


Pearl Vision Birch Snare Drum
This my birch Pearl Vision snare. It came with one of my Vision kits. A nice, mellow sounding drum. Sits well in any mix like only birch can do.

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